About William O'Connor

Bill is passionate about yoga and sharing his love for the practice for over 15 years with more than 4,000 teaching hours. He is married to his favorite yoga teacher, Andrea, for 30 + years. He is also an avid sailor with distance passages across the Atlantic and down and back to the Caribbean many times.

Challenge As Adventure

NEW! A four-minute mindfulness voice memo exploring the adventure of challenge. Recent challenge  –  I (Andrea) balanced on a ladder, handing things up to Bill, as he was  dressed in a hazmat suit, googles, mask, gloves, hood and up in the dirty, dusty beams and rafters with piles of fiberglass to insulate our new studio [...]

Challenge As Adventure2022-10-01T01:10:07-04:00

History of Yoga Poses

The History of Hatha Yoga Poses Many of the most common yoga poses have only been around for the last 20 years!  Considering the ancient history of yoga this may surprise you. In this 2 hour workshop learn the origins of Hatha Yoga using the yoga poses as they were invented and developed to [...]

History of Yoga Poses2022-10-01T02:06:37-04:00


it's our ANNIVERSARY! and we are having a PARTY, all weekend long! Join us the last weekend of March on; Fri, Sat, Sun and Monday March 29, 30, 31 and April 1st We will be serving treats and tea and be offering some special classes as well as our regular offerings. Each class will [...]

ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION2022-10-01T01:42:10-04:00

Transform and Transcend

From Andrea O'Connor Here is a brief recording of the meditation from last week's Transform and Transcend class December 29th at Hot Yoga Burlington. We hope you enjoy it. Our next Transform and Transcend Restorative Yoga and Meditation is January 26th.  Please RESERVE HERE

Transform and Transcend2022-10-01T01:30:09-04:00

You and your Chakras

Discover and gain a deeper understanding of yourself; your strengths, your weaknesses, and where your energy resides. This workshop contains information on the Chakras. Explore how each affects our body, mind, and spirit. We will also look at how we can maintain alignment and balance through yoga, meditation, and aroma therapy. Come and join [...]

You and your Chakras2022-10-01T01:43:20-04:00