Bliss on the mat – Massage therapy, restorative yoga and essential oils

Led by Andrea with MTs Alexandra, Maria and Rose

September 22nd, Saturday, 3-5 pm.  Cost is $45 and includes class, massage, oils & bliss!


Create a retreat space of sacred paradise in the body! Come to Bliss on the Mat! Andrea leads you through a series of restorative poses that progressively relax and open the body. While in poses for five to seven minutes each, three massage therapists roam the room to work on you! You get many mini massages to the shoulder, hip, neck, back, hands or arms that bring on the bliss.  Essential oils used  with your permission.

Hot Yoga offers this ultimate peaceful, uplifting and balancing experience. The combination of restorative poses, massage and essential oils assists with lymphatic release, calms the nervous system, opens the chakras, brings on the prana life force energy, grounds you to Divine Mother Earth, heals hurts, and reprograms cell tissue to health and wellness.

Please register now for this workshop. It will fill up quickly. Don’t miss Bliss on the Mat. It’s a sense sensation!